Do You Feel Like There Are

Not Enough Hours
In The Day?

Not Enough Hours In The Day?

We Understand

After working with Primary Care professionals for many years, we understand that one of the biggest challenges is time!

Time to care for your patients or time to make strategic and operational improvements to your processes.

Patient demand continues to rise, but capacity doesn’t.


Let us introduce to you PACO: The Patient and Care Optimiser

The technology solution built with practices for practices, to give you time to care.

One platform that enables your practice to






Patient & Practice Analytics

  • Decisions based on data – not hunches!
  • Analyse and identify key patient cohorts
  • Understand practice bottlenecks and how to address them


Digital Patient Outreach

  • Automate call:recall processes
  • Contact large numbers of patients in a single click
  • Real-time insight on the impact of your communications
  • Automatically coded into your Clinical System


Automated Appointment Booking

  • Free up phone lines with the patient facing scheduler
  • Patient led bookings for the correct resource (controlled by you!)
  • Improved patience experience and reduced DNAs
  • Save at least 6 minutes per patient of staff time


Fully Integrated Virtual Consultations

  • Consult virtually without opening your Clinical System
  • All coding to patient record is automated
  • Quick and easy web chat for Admin issues
  • All media stored for training and clinical improvement

We know you want more time to care

Talk to us about how PACO is helping Healthcare Professionals just like you!