Case Studies

Embedding Health Forms at Brownlow Health
Brownlow Health is an inner-city GP practice in Liverpool. It has four different practice lists across seven different sites, offering GP services to around 85,000 patients, from a mixed demographic, across the city. It is one of 10 practices that make up the Central Liverpool Primary Care Network, which between them offer care to 125,000 patients.
Brownlow Health started working with Blinx Healthcare three years ago, with an initial focus on supporting data analytics. Blinx Healthcare now provides a full package of support through PACO, their healthcare management and patient engagement platform, which includes Quick Send messaging, patient recall, digital front-door consultations and health forms.
PACO™ helps with Instant patient outreach for patient guidance & newsletters
The Challenge
Current NHS Primary Care settings find it challenging to engage and connect with patients as they have to use multiple technology platforms to identify patients, create content and then post or send them messages through another tool. This means when practices are busy they struggle with the prioritisation of that work and patients only receive communications periodically. Time pressures and poor digital products result in generic and dry communications that don’t resonate with patients.

PACO™ helps to achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions
The Challenge
Using digital communications for patient outreach in an NHS GP practice is crucial because it:
• Increases accessibility
• Improves patient engagement
• Provides better tracking
• Boosts patient satisfaction
• Saves costs
• Reduces carbon footprint
PACO™ helps with patients self-booking selected appointments that frees up phone lines
The Challenge
Managing the 8 am rush for appointments is a major challenge for GP practice managers and partners as they struggle to predict the number of inbound calls from patients. Traditional communication methods and most technology solutions offer only static information, such as the practice telephone number, adding to the demand for inbound calls. The length of a typical call to book an appointment with a GP in the NHS can vary from a few minutes to around 10 minutes, causing frustration for both patients and staff during busy periods, and potentially hindering the patient experience.

PACO™ helps with early cancer identification through pro-active screening
The Challenge
Prostate cancer is a serious health concern that affects many men, and its impact can be devastating if not detected and treated early. Despite the easy and quick initial check and diagnosis process, there has never been an evidence-based screening programme, leaving many men at risk of undetected cancer.
There are several reasons why some men may avoid getting their prostates checked, including fear, lack of awareness, cultural barriers, and competing priorities.
PACO™ helps with engaging Non responding patients
The Challenge
Annual reviews are crucial for managing chronic conditions, but many patients fail to attend them, risking poor health outcomes and increased pressure on the healthcare system. Reasons for non-attendance include forgetfulness, lack of awareness, transportation issues, and mobility problems. At Brownlow Kensington Park, 22% of females have not had a smear in the last 10 years. It is essential to implement strategies to improve patient attendance and ensure that patients receive the care they need.

PACO™ helps with Increasing uptake on vital population health programmes
The Challenge
There is a concerning decrease in screening uptake for national programs, specifically for cervical smear tests in Liverpool. Regular screening is important for the early detection of illnesses, and a delayed diagnosis can lead to advanced disease and potentially increased mortality.
Healthcare providers and public health authorities must address this issue by raising awareness and providing accessible and safe screening services during the pandemic. Strategies such as telemedicine, home testing kits, and extended hours for appointments may help.
PACO™ helps to identify regular DNA patients to
pro-actively engage and reduce non attendance
The Challenge
The knowledge that more precious NHS time has been wasted by a patient making and not-attending an appointment or requesting a call only to let it go to voicemail. So frustrating. There’s also that tinge of guilt that you’re secretly delighted about because it gives you 15 minutes to get back on time, grab a brew and nip to the loo.
With practices overwhelmed with demand, every missed appointment is also time that could be spent helping colleagues, doing paperwork or seeing other patients. A single DNA does not allow a practice to recoup that time, however, as the next patient is often already in the waiting room.